" Take nothing but memories, leave nothing but foot prints "
- The Himalayan Kingdom of BHUTAN -Mailing address:
In Bhutan
Snow White Treks & Tours
Post box 1123, Gongzim Lam, Thimphu Bhutan
Tel. # 00975-2-343028 / Mobile # 00975-17111161 / Fax # 00975-2-321696
website: www.snowwhitetours.com.bt
Skype: swtt_bhutan
Email add: info@snowwhitetours.com.bt / kenchod@yahoo.com
Our overseas Travel Partner
In Austria
Peter Meisnitzer Reisebüro GmbH
Media Tour
A-5027 Salzburg – Franz-Josef-Str. 22
Tel.+43-662-8826270 Fax+43-662-8826274
email: peter.meisnitzer@mediatour.at
website: www.mediatour.at
In Poland
LOGOS TRAVEL Marek Sliwka sp. j. ul. Mickiewicza 28
60-836 Poznan, PL
ph. +48 61 8433017 fax +48 61 8420128
email: poznan@wyprawy.pl
website: www.wyprawy.pl
In Italy
Sentieri di Anthora
Tour Operator e Agenzia di Viaggio
“Il mondo dietro l’angolo”
Via Fra Dolcino 11
13854 Quaregna
e-mail: info@anthora.it
Tel. +39 348 856 85 89
Fax +39 015 94708.